Empower researchers at your school. Use our technology to access key findings from papers in just seconds and build up your research in minutes. Our technology gives you one-liners from up-to-date peer-reviewed research papers. From multiple languages. In multiple languages.
Talk to our database and interact with a specific research paper to gain full insights in just seconds, without having to spend hours reading. Our AI is trained exclusively on up-to-date knowledge from peer-reviewed research papers. Hence, there is no room for junk.
Reduce your knowledge generation budget. We already have millions of research papers for you. Time Phantom gives you access to global knowledge, summarizes it for you, tells you whether it is up to date, points you to updated knowledge, all in text and audio formats, at a fraction of your costs. There cannot be a better deal.
Give your students access to global knowledge for them to extend their cognition outside the classroom in a fun and entertaining way. Let them access reliable, up-to-date knowledge creatively through text, audio and music formats via your white label application. Let your students innovate, collaborate and make you proud.
We give you a list of best prompts to help you effectively and efficiently interact with our chatbot when you want to interact with our entire database for fun, for research or for curiosity. These prompts are well designed by our team so that you do not guess. And if you have a specific query or question, chat with our team and get real-time assistance.
Real support from real people. We are available through instant live chat and email to help you set up and troubleshoot.
Time Phantom is easy to use. So is our guarantee. If you are not satisfied, we will refund your payment. No hassle, no risk.